Manish Tripathy
I am an Assistant Professor of Operations & Supply Chain Management at DePaul University's Driehaus College of Business.
From August, 2023 to June, 2024, I was a Senior Lecturer in the Decision Sciences department of the Martin Tuchman School of Management, NJIT. Before this, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Sauder School of Business, UBC and worked under the supervision of Prof. Harish Krishnan. Previously, I earned my PhD from the Industrial and Systems Engineering department at North Carolina State University under the guidance of Prof. Seb Heese and Prof. Mike Kay.
My reserach interests are in the field of "Sustainable Operations" and "Economic Modeling of Emerging Business Trends".
Currently, within "Sustainable Operations", I am working on modeling Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, designed to incentivize signatory countries to collaborate to reduce global Greenhouse Gas emissions.
Previously, within "Emerging Business Trends", I have focused on different aspects of Platform Economics (e.g., drivers colluding to create artificial scarcity and gaming the pricing mechanism to increase their earnings), Spectrum Sub-Leasing (e.g., business model of mobile virtual network operators who sub-lease spectrum from cellular service providers and offer similar services), and Supply Chain & Logistics (e.g., packages bidding for transportation services).